| VRML Mall - categorized by topic - from
cows to volkswagons. |
 | Aereal BOOM! - gives you high-rated worlds
from a ratings database of more than 1000 VRML URLs |
 | CAVE VRML - a random sampling
of CAVE VR applications which have been translated into VRML scenes. |
 | Dilbert 3D Zonimations |
 | Inter-Galacticum - A world
built by users of Virtual World Factory, a web-based VRML authoring tool. Includes a VRML
version of "The Black Sun", inspired by Neal Stephenson. |
 | Interactive Origami in
 | IUMA, The VR Lounge - Has a neat scene
of a room with a stereo in it. |
 | Lightscape Virtual Walkthrough Library -
models generated with the Lightscape Visualization System and converted into VRML files. |
 | Lightscape Visualization System - Image
Library |
 | Planet Nine Studios - released Virtual New Orleans
on May 14, 1996, the first 3D model of the Big Easy on the Internet. |
 | Polynesian Journey - try your hand
at guiding your canoe to Hawai'i loa. |
 | Rad Planet - with Weezer live in
concert (and some perturbed elf). |
 | Real Time Satellite Earth Globe - A
real-time VRML globe with current cloud cover updated hourly. |
 | Rimini VRML Tour |
 | Simberon Incorporated - develops and hosts
interactive VRML worlds. |
 | Squirrel Virtual Reality in VRML
- VRML developer in Australia showcases an ever-increasing number of VRML Worlds |
 | Stardog's VR Space |
 | Stellar Neigborhood in VRML - thrilling
3-D ride through interstellar space within 25 parsec of the sun. Database contains nearly
3000 stars. |
 | Surreal Sonnets - walk through the
virtual gallery or get up close with the picture place. |
 | Titanic in VRML |
 | Virtual Fenway Park - Home of
baseball's Boston Red Sox. |
 | Virtual
Underworld - a VRML world where anybody can connect his own room to the underworld
corridors. |
 | VirtualSOMA - online 3D city, was
launched 8/4/95 by Planet 9 Studios. This can be viewed with a VRML browser such as
Worldview. |
 | VR Coffee Gallery, The - a VRML
model of the real Coffee Gallery. It features music from The Coffee Gallery (via I-wave)
and art from our walls. |
 | VRGroup's Worlds |
 | VRML Models |
 | VRML Virtual Reality Skiing - Winternet
also provides comprehensive information on a number of ski resorts worldwide. |
 | VRML/WebOOGL Zoo of Mathematical
3D Objects |
 | Waxweb - movie, book, vr... difficult to
tell apart - an entire feature film on the Web. |
 | Worlds of Kate Bush, The - See
Kate's world in VRML! |
 | Usenet - sci.virtual-worlds |