Up Information VRMLinks Worlds

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Instant VRML Home World  - Anyone can create their own VRML home world and have it hosted by Aereal's server for free. Just fill out two HTML forms, and *boom*, instant VRML home world.
MeshMart VRML  - complete reference source to the new world of Virtual Reality Modeling Language, VRML, including links, reviews and tutorials.
Proteinman's Top Ten VRML Worlds   - rotating list of the best VRML worlds out there.
3Dstats - A 3D Access Statistics Generator. Analyzes web server logfiles and creates a VRML model with the average load by day and by hour.
America VR
Animated Dance Event Language (ADEL) - George Mason University and BoxofficeNet team up to bring virtual reality dance to the Net.
Developer.com - directory of worlds and tools.
Elastic Imagination - where people share ideas and experience in VRML to work together. Library, chat, message forum, tools, and more.
Manufacturers Information Net - A comprehensive resource for VRML resources guide with online technical forum.
Microsoft VRML
Moving Worlds Guide - VRML directory service for VRML objects. Supports commerce, who's who, adding resources, and special features.
New College of California vrmLab - Info about and experiments with the VRML. vrmLab/Warehouse has objects. vrmLab/Packages have versions of Win 3.1 and Win NT vrml browsers and authoring tools.
RSX: Realistic Sound for the Internet - provides realistic sound for Internet applications without special hardware. It is ideal for VRML and other virtual environments.
Serch - Database of VRML Links - Serch is a database of links to VRML worlds and objects, that can be accessed in HTML and VRML! (like Yahoo in VRML!)
TerraVirtua - Devoted to providing a testing ground for new technology relating to the creation and development of on-line interactive content. Includes VRML, HTML 3.0, and other emerging technologies.
VRML 2 Resource Center
VRML 2.0 Java API
VRML Behaviors - VRBS (pronounced "verbs") is a VRML behavior scripting system prototype developed by the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC).
VRML Foundry - dedicated to helping people learn about and create VRML worlds.
VRML Repository
VRML Site of the Week
VRML Suppository - the place for bad VRML puns, stupid jokes and weird worlds (see Madonna and Dolly Parton!).
VRML World - covers VRML, Hot Java, Quicktime VR, etc.
vrml.sgi.com - search this large repository of VRML information, 3D worlds, and developer resources. Meet Floops, the 3D, animated VRML cartoon.
VRMLSite Magazine - VRML/Java news, tutorials, articles and links.
VRMLworks - offers an introduction to VRML.
VRUniverse, The - VRML2.0 models/worlds, VRML2.0 tutorials, etc.
Usenet - comp.lang.vrml

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