| CyberName : choose one of the following domains
- (http://you.web-page.net)
- (http://you.main-page.net)
- (http://you.musicpage.com)
- (http://you.gamespage.com)
- (http://you.net-shop.net)
- (http://you.sexypage.net)
Antwerpen.com : (http://www.antwerpen.com/home/you@antwerpen.com)
 | Warping.to : (http://warping.to/you) |
 | Beam.to : (http://beam.to/you) |
 | WebAlias.com : (http://webalias.com/you) |
 | isCool.net : (http://you.isCool.net) |
 | Window.to : (http://window.to/you) |
 | Technosite Exchange : (http://you.tsx.org)
 | CyberLink.To/You : (http://cyberlink.to/you) |
 | Vlug.nu : instructions are in Dutch. (http://vlug.nu/you)
 | easy.to/REMEMBER/ : you can choose max 2 domains
and there is a 1 second delay.
- (http://i.am/you)
- (http://hello.to/you)
- (http://hey.to/you)
- (http://messages.to/you)
- (http://pagina.de/you)
- (http://w3.to/you) |
 | Click-on.to : (http://click-on.to/you)
 | Homepage.nu : a frame will appear at the bottom of
your page after redirection. (http://you.homepage.nu) |
 | Gonow.to : (http://gonow.to/you) |
 | Bigfoot : (http://www.bigfoot.com/~you) |
 | APmail : (http://www.apmail.com/you) |
 | TOPP : (http://www.pak.org/you) |
 | The Redirector : (http://snowball.one.net.au/you)
 | Webfront : (http://onesky.com/you) |
 | Name.is : (http://my.name.is/you) |
 | VisitWeb : (http://visitweb.com/you) |
 | Jump.to : there will be a 10-15 sec wait between
redirection. (http://jump.to/you) |
 | MyPage.org : intructions are in Dutch and there
will be a 10-15 sec wait between redirection. (http://you.mypage.org) |
 | Real Short urL : (http://rsl.net/you) |
 | Bounce.to : (http://bounc.to/you) |
 | InternetJump : (http://www.InternetJump.com/you)
or (http://Fast.to/you) |
 | V3 Redirect Services : free if
1) you show their button on your page or
2) you allow a delay page every time your V3-URL is used or
3) you allow a pop-up window every time your site gets visited
- (http://come.to/you)
- (http://fly.to/you)
- (http://listen.to/you)
- (http://move.to/you)
- (http://start.to/you)
- (http://surf.to/you)
- (http://travel.to/you)
- (http://welcome.to/you) |
 | Monolith Internet Services : (http://you.home.ml.org)
 | Netforward : (http://www.yourchoice.com/you)
[23 domain choices] |