| Albert Nerken School of Engineering
 | Alfred University College of Engineering and
Professional Studies |
 | Andhra University |
 | Aoyama Gakuin University |
 | Assumption University |
 | Auburn
University - College of Engineering@ |
 | Bern HTL - Engineering |
 | Boston
University College of Engineering@ |
 | Bournemouth University -
Design Engineering and Computing |
 | Brigham
Young University@ |
 | California Institute of Technology - Center for
Neuromorphic Systems Engineering |
 | California State Polytechnic University |
 | California
State University, Los Angeles@ |
 | Caltech@
 | Cambridge University |
 | Canadian Academy of Engineering |
 | Carleton University |
 | Case Western Reserve - CAISR |
 | Catholic University of America |
 | Centre for Engineering Research, RSA |
 | Chinese Institute of Engineers |
 | Clemson
University - College of Engineering and Science@ |
 | College of San Mateo |
 | Colorado
State University@ |
 | Columbia
University@ |
 | CSU Chico - College of Engineering, Computer
Science and Technology |
 | Curtin University of Technology
 | DalTech
- Dalhousie University@ |
 | Dartmouth College - Thayer School of
Engineering |
 | Dordt College |
 | Drexel
University - College of Engineering@ |
 | Ecole
Centrale - France (5) |
 | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(UK) |
 | Engineering College of Arhus |
 | Engineering Management |
 | Florida State University |
 | Florida State University - College of Engineering |
 | George
Mason University@ |
 | Georgia
Tech - College of Engineering@ |
 | Harvey Mudd College - provides broad-based
knowledge and experience in synthesis as well as analysis. |
 | Indiana
University - Purdue University Indianapolis@ |
 | Industrial Research & Development Institute -
IRDI, locaated in Midland, Ontario, provides advanced technical and research support to
companies involved in the shaping of materials, i.e. the tool, die, and mould industry. |
 | Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon
- in English and French. |
 | Institute For New Energy |
 | Institution of Engineers, Malaysia |
 | Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand
 | International Technological University - high-tech
university located in the heart of Silicon Valley which offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.
degrees as well as certificate programs in various high-tech fields. |
 | Iowa
State University@ |
 | ISAT - Graduat Electromécanique |
 | Jerusalem College of Technology |
 | John's
Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering@ |
 | Kansas State University, College of Engineering |
 | Kasetsart University |
 | Kocaeli University |
 | Lakehead University - Native Access
Program for Engineering |
 | Lancaster University |
 | Louisiana
State University@ |
 | Louisiana Tech University
 | Mahidol University |
 | Maine Maritime Academy |
 | Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) |
 | Marquette
University College of Engineering@ |
 | Mercer
University - School of Engineering@ |
 | Michigan State University -
Composite Materials & Structures Center |
 | Michigan Technological University - Keweenaw Research
Center |
 | Middle East Technical University |
 | Mississippi State Univ NSF Engineering
Research Center |
 | Missouri Tech |
 | Montana
State - College of Engineering@ |
 | Morgan State University Engineering |
 | MSU
College of Engineering@ |
 | MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology |
 | N-W.F.P.
University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar, Pakistan |
 | National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Rawalpindi |
 | NCSU College of Engineering Home Page
 | NED
University of Engineering & Technology - Karachi, Pakistan@ |
 | New Mexico Highlands University |
 | Northern Arizona University |
 | Northern
Illinois University@ |
 | Northwestern
University - McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science@ |
 | Ohio
University - Russ College of Engineering and Technology@ |
 | Oregon Institute of Technology School of
Engineering and Industrial Technologies |
 | Oregon State University - College of Engineering
 | Osaka University - Faculty of Engineering |
 | Osaka University - Faculty of Engineering
Science: English |
 | Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Civil Engineering
 | Oxford Brookes University |
 | Oxford University - Engineering Science |
 | Penn State - Applied Research Laboratory |
 | Penn State University - Engineering Education Center |
 | Prince of Songkhla University |
 | Princeton University |
 | Punjab Engineering College |
 | Punjab University, Pakistan |
 | Purdue
University - Schools of Engineering@ |
 | Queen's University Faculty of Applied Science |
 | Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) |
 | Royal
Institute of Technology, Sweden@ |
 | San
Diego State University@ |
 | San Francisco State University |
 | San
Jose State University - College of Engineering@ |
 | San
Jose State University, CA@ |
 | Seoul
National University@ |
 | Signal Processing Research Centre -
Brisbane, Australia |
 | South
Bank University - School of Engineering Systems and Design@ |
 | Southern Methodist University - Engineering and
Applied Science |
 | Southern
Methodist University - School of Engineering and Applied Science@ |
 | Sri Jayachamarajendra College Of
Engineering |
 | Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Engineering College |
 | St. Mary's University - San Antonio, Texas |
 | Stanford
University School of Engineering@ |
Binghamton - Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science@ |
 | SUNY Buffalo - School of Engineering and Applied
Sciences |
 | Suranaree University of Technology - Institute of
Industrial Technology |
 | Swarthmore College Engineering |
 | Swiss Engineering School at Rapperswil |
 | Tampere University of Technology |
 | Texas
A&M University - Dwight Look College of Engineering@ |
 | Texas
Tech University@ |
 | Thammasat University - Sirindhorn International
Institute of Technology |
 | Thirring Institute for Applied
Gravitational Research |
 | Tokyo Engineering University |
 | U.S. Department of Energy - ORNL
Engineering Technology Division |
 | UCinn
- OMI College of Applied Science@ |
 | Universidad
de la Republica - Montevideo, Uruguay@ |
 | Universidad Mayor - Santiago, Chile |
 | Universidad
Nacional de La Plata - Buenos Aires, Argentina@ |
 | Universidad Nacional de San Juan - San Juan,
Argentina |
 | Universidad Politencina de Madrid |
 | University
of Aberdeen@ |
 | University
of Akron@ |
 | University
of Alabama@ |
 | University
of Alaska Anchorage@ |
 | University of Alberta |
 | University
of Arkansas@ |
 | University of Bristol |
 | University
of California (5) |
 | University of Canterbury - Centre for Advanced
Engineering |
 | University
of Central Florida - College of Engineering@ |
 | University
of Cincinnati@ |
 | University
of Dayton - School of Engineering@ |
 | University of Durham |
 | University of Engineering
& Technology (Pakistan) |
 | University of Engineering and Technology - Lahore,
Pakistan |
 | University of Florida |
 | University of Genoa - Biophysical and
Electrical Engineering |
 | University of Guelph |
 | University
of Hawaii at Manoa - College of Engineering@ |
 | University
of Houston - College of Engineering@ |
 | University of Hull |
 | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - Department
of General Engineering |
 | University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign - Engineering |
 | University
of Iowa College of Engineering@ |
 | University
of Kansas@ |
 | University of Louisville - Speed Scientific
School |
 | University
of Massachusetts Dartmouth - College of Engineering@ |
 | University
of Massachussetts - College of Engineering@ |
 | University
of Miami College of Engineering@ |
 | University
of Michigan@ |
 | University of Minnesota - College of Science and
Engineering |
 | University
of Minnesota - Institute of Technology@ |
 | University of Nebraska-Lincoln - College of
Engineering & Technology |
 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas - Howard R.
Hughes College of Engineering |
 | University of New Brunswick - Geodesy and Geomatics
Engineering |
 | University
of New Orleans College of Engineering@ |
 | University of Newfoundland |
 | University of North Carolina at Charlotte - College
of Engineering |
 | University
of North Dakota - School of Engineering and Mines@ |
 | University
of Notre Dame@ |
 | University
of Oklahoma@ |
 | University
of Pennsylvania@ |
 | University
of Pisa, Italy@ |
 | University
of Pittsburgh - School of Engineering@ |
 | University
of Portland@ |
 | University of Pretoria |
 | University of Regina - Sherwood Forest |
 | University of Rochester - Engineering and
Applied Sciences |
 | University of Saskatchewan |
 | University
of Southern Florida - Engineering@ |
 | University of Southern
Queensland |
 | University of Technology Jamaica |
 | University
of Tennessee - Knoxville@ |
 | University of Tennessee at
Martin |
 | University of Texas at Arlington - Materials Science &
Engineering |
 | University of the Witwatersrand - Engineering |
 | University of Vermont - Engineering, Mathematics and
Business Administration |
 | University
of Victoria@ |
 | University of Virginia - School of
Engineering and Applied Science |
 | University
of Waterloo - Systems Design Engineering@ |
 | University
of Wisconsin at Madison@ |
 | University
of Wyoming - College of Engineering@ |
 | UTIA |
 | Vanderbilt
University - Engineering@ |
 | Villanova University |
 | Virginia Tech |
 | West Virginia Institute of Technology -
Engineering |
 | Western Kentucky
University Engineering Technology Department |
 | Wright State University |
 | Yale University |