| 10 Best of the Web - a directory of the best sites
in many different categories. |
 | Academy of World Wide Web Arts & Sciences -
recognizes and promotes the technical, artistic and literary creativity displayed on the
Web. Strives to illustrate both what makes this medium special and what makes it work. |
 | Alive! Web Sites of the Year '97 |
 | Best of the Christian Web - rates and reviews
Christian web sites, software, shareware, and more. |
 | Best of the Web '97 Nomination |
 | Best of WWWomen Sites - well
done and maintained sites that are made for women. |
 | Best Sites for Women |
 | Brother Bill's Web Explorer - travellers guide to
the best of the Internet, featuring the weekly 'Explorer Audio Digest' in TrueSpeech
format. |
 | Cool Central - more than just cool sites |
 | Cool Sites of the U.K. |
 | Fierce.com |
 | Free Launch - more than a hotlist, not quite an
index - frequently updated list of "bookmarkable" web sites. |
 | Guild of Illuminati
- recognizing sites that support the fight for freedom of speech and exercise the right to
fully and uncensoredly utter their thoughts. |
 | Hang Ten Web Surfers Picks
- the best of plain old web Pages, not ones made by computer geeks. |
 | King Link & Games - includes the
top 100 of the Web and Hotsite! |
 | Laserguide - a weekly top 20
listing of sites on the web with no adult or controversial content. |
 | Luckman Best of the Web - directory of 4 and 5-star
Web sites, fully reviewed, indexed, and searchable. |
 | Macmillan Winner's Circle -
Will post a link to what is judged to be the best *personal* home page submitted to us by
the HTML Workshop's visitors. |
 | Majon's Web Select - recognition service
awarding an icon/ seal of excellence to all Web sites demonstrating creativity, quality
design and usefulness in purpose. |
 | Mother's Finest - presented to Websites
that exhibit a vision and mission to enrich and nurture the planet and its inhabitants. |
 | OnlinePress.com - daily look at the best of the
Internet with commentary, articles, interactive polls, message boards, and the Web Market
Index, ranking top online sites. |
 | Phonebooke - directory focusing mainly on
reviewing 'cool and useful' sites on the web! Also - the gateway to the Phonebooke People
Finder. |
 | Project Cool |
 | Simpliciter - Excellence
Without Excess |
 | Top 1% |
 | Top Ten Links - offering top sites in various
categories. |
 | Utne No-Jive Guide to the Net |
 | Web This Week - selects the best web sites in a
variety of subject areas each week. |
 | Your WebScout - discover the Web's very best Web
sites via 22 free email newsletter titles, or browse a large collection of way-cool
annotated links. |